“.. are not going to curtail our human cravings for sweet things. The alternative, or possibly the solution, would be to ask, How do we create those things naturally, so that they can fit into a lifestyle that allows us to have things we like?”

— “The Quest for a Natural Sugar Substitute” New York Times Magazine Jan 2014

This is different, this is unique, and this is disruption to soda beverages

Nuhoney is essentially created to address the challenges that soda lovers all over the world have been faced with - to be able to freely consume, without guilt, without concerns and without limitations. So essentially we have crafted a sparkling honey beverage with a modern pleasure that is as natural as it gets with all the vital properties of honey.

And as such we like to think of it as a NODA - Natural Soda!

“Everybody’s got their poison,and mine is sugar” - Derrick Rose

No Refined White Sugar

Refined white sugar has no mineral value, and it is constantly linked to many illness such as diabetes, high blood pressure, nervous breakdowns, depression and many more.

NO Preservatives… NO Artificial Additives… All Natural

The ingredients to creating Nuhoney are entirely natural… no preservatives and nothing artificial added to the production process. Too good to be true? Try it.

Why Honey?

The curative benefits of honey are well known throughout history… from the Egyptians to the Romans, and across various cultures from Asia to Europe. As far back as 8000 years ago, it is the most ancient, and most natural sweetener that has been used since human civilisation started.

Benefits of Honey

Energy Booster

Energy Booster

Improves Mental Performance

Improves Mental Performance

Immunity System Builder

Immunity System Builder

High in Anti Oxidant

High in Anti Oxidant

Lowers Cholesterol

Lowers Cholesterol

Regulates Blood Sugar

Regulates Blood Sugar



You have the questions, and we have the answers.